The English House-wife: containg [sic] the inward and outward vertues which ought to be a compleat woman
- Autor: Markham, Gervase
- Siglo: Siglo XVII
- Categoría: Impreso
- Lugar: Londres
- Editorial: Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison
- Año: 1631
- Páginas: [10], 252 p.
- Biblioteca:
- Materias: Alimentos, Artes de mesa, Bebidas, Cocina, Economía y Comercio, Gastronomía, Menús, Recetarios
- Palabras clave: Ama de casa, Economía doméstica, Inglés, Recetarios
- Idioma: Inglés
Obra que contiene un gran número de consejos prácticos destinado a las amas de casa de la época. Conocimientos básicos de extracción de aceites, cocina, destilación, repostería, organización de fiestas o todos los elementos que componen un banquete son algunos de los apartados contenidos en este libro.
Chap. I. Of the inward vertues of the mind, which ought to be in every House-wife. And first of her general knowledge bothin Physick and Chirurgery, with plain aprroved medicines for health of the House-hold, also the extraction of excellent Oyls fits for those purposes.- Chap. II. Of the outward and active knowledge of the House-wife and of her Skill in Cookery, as Sullets of all sorts, with Flesh, Fish, Suaces, Pastery, Banquetting-stuff and ordering of greats Feasts.- Chap III. Of Distillations and their vertues, and of Perfuming.- Chap. IV. The ordering, preserving and helping of all sorts of Wines and first of the choice of sweet Wines.- Chap. V Of Wooll, Hemp, Flax and Cloth and dying of Colours of each several substance with all the knowledges belonging thereto.- Chap. VI. Of Dairies, Butter, Cheese and the necessary things belonging to that Office.- Chap. VII. The Office of the Mault and the several secrets and kwoledges belonging to the making of Maults.- Chap. VIII. Of the Excelleney of Oats and the many singular vertues and use of them in a Family.- Chap. IX. Of the office of the Brew-house and the Bake house and the necessary things belonging to the same.
Otras ediciones:
El autor de la obra, Gervase Markham, era un escritor y poeta inglés que vivió entre los siglos XVI y XVII y cuya obra más conocida es esta, cuya primera edición fue impresa en 1615. Antes escribió The English husbandman: drawne into two bookes, and each booke into tvvo parts. The first part contayning the knowledge of husbandly duties, the nature of all sorts of soiles within this kingdome, the manner of tillage, the diversity of ploughes, and all other instruments. The second part containing the art of planting, grafting, and gardening, the vse of the vine, the hopgarden, and the preservation of all sorts of fruits, the draught of all sorts of knots, mazes, and other ornaments. Newlie reviewed, corrected, and inlarged by the first author, G.M.
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